Gems require pressure and polish to form and shine
We are creating safe spaces for hard conversations for the millennial family.
About GemStone Wellness Group LLC
GemStone Wellness was founded and created by a social worker who has worked in many areas of mental and behavioral health with people of all ages. Gemstones goals is to create healthy communities by promoting healthy families. Engaging in safe mental health, positive engagements and building resilient communities. A team of educated and confident mental health & behavioral health providers, together service the needs of the millennial family. By using a whole person- and person-centered approach, where you are the expert.We are people helping and encouraging other people. We are educators, learners, Leaders, Service Providers and Helpers. Like a Gemstone everyone is different and specially made in their own way. It is up to use to find our shine. You too can shine like a Gem!

Provide and restore positive mental well being to the millennial family by assisting in creating a positive and purposeful outlook on life, learning and longevity.
To encourage and empower individuals and their families in making positive choices to create generational change. By using psychoeducation, resources, and cultural humility services we build healthy selves, confident parenting, engaging families, and communities.
Encouraging ourselves and others in pursuit of positive life outcomes with ethics, dignity, and respect.
Our Services
- Mental Health Diagnostic Assessments
- Individualized Treatment Plans
- Individual Counseling
- Life Skill Building
- Family Preservation
- School Based Counseling
- Case Management
- Career and Life Coaching
- Peer Consultation
- Parent Support
- In-person and Telehealth

Some Interventions offered
Psycho Therapy
Also known as talk therapy provides a safe space to process out loud. This aids in minimizing symptoms by processing difficult situations and feelings. Promoting healthy coping skills and healing.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
CBT is based on the cognitive model: the way that individuals perceive a situation is more closely connected to their reaction than the situation itself. This is used in managing many diagnosis.
Acceptance & Commitment therapy
The ACT approach incorporates acceptance and mindfulness strategies alongside change strategies to manage suffering and dysfunction that arises from attempts to control unwanted experiences.
Solution focused theory
(SFT) is a goal-oriented, brief therapeutic approach that focuses on finding solutions rather than analyzing problems. It helps clients identify their strengths and resources to create positive change in their lives.
Who We Serve?
We Serve Everyone!
We offer services to adults, adolescents, and children and older adults. We have a team of licensed professionals ready and willing to provide individualized therapy, case management, family therapy and any self-help to aid in meeting your goals and improving your mental and emotional health, well-being and peace. We work within the community, schools, office & virtual settings to meet clients where they are. Working with individuals who are Medicaid eligible or at a sliding scale fee.

start with a 3-step process
- Step 1
- Step 2
- Step 3
Intake And Consent
This is the process of gathering demographics and information review insurance benefits or cost of services. It is important you are aware of your rights as a consumer when it comes to engaging in mental health services.
New Clients Intake documentation and a client portal log in will be sent to your email. All documentation must be complete at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled session.
Diagnostic Assessment
A Comprehensive psycho, bio and, social assessment is used to identify specific strengths and weakness including a person’s knowledge, skills, and abilities. This is conducted at the beginning of treatment to aid in developing a diagnosis for treatment. The Assessment allows for mental health professionals to identify areas where a person’s needs additional supports and interventions. It also aids in forming a personalized treatment plan to base needed services needs and frequencies of services.
Individual Treatment Plan
A collaborative and customized plan that outlines the specific goals, objectives, methods, and interventions that are tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual that receives services. It is a tool the used by the client and the therapist to ensure that client is receiving the most effective and efficient care possible.
Schedule Appointment Today
Schedule a Free Phone Consultation by calling 216-359-8787. Please leave a voice message on the confidential voice mail or by completing the intake form *No appointment necessary for this service*
This free 15 minute service is available for all prospective clients who would like to talk to a therapist before scheduling an appointment. The purpose of this service is to determine if GSWG is a good fit. Feel to complete the interest form here.
Invest in your mental wellness
We Accept the Following Insurances : Coming Soon
Also accept : Open Path – Love Land Vouchers – Headway fees vary (Coming Soon)
Tips when using your insurance coverage …
- What are my mental health benefits?
- Can I get a pre-authorization number for my visits?
- What is my deductible and how much has been met this year?
- What is the amount of my co-payment per therapy session?
- How many therapy sessions does my plan cover?
- How much does my insurance pay for an out-of-network provider?
- Can I receive EAP services provided by my place of employment?
Fees :
NOTE- These rates are for self-pay clients ONLY.
- Diagnostic Assessment : $150.00
- Individual 30 Minute Session : $70.00
- Individual 45 Minute Session : 90.00
- Individual 60 Minute Session : $120.00
- Individual 90 Minute Session : $145.00
- Couples and Family 135.00 per session
Please be aware :
- No call-no shows and appointments canceled less than 48 hours in advance are subject to the full-service fee. Insurance paid clients are subject to the contracted rate of their insurance.
- All fees are due at the time of services rendered and prior to rescheduling your next appointment. That includes cancellation fees and balances not covered by your insurance provider to include deductibles and co-payments/co-insurance. If you arrive to your scheduled appointment and you have an outstanding balance, you will be required to settle your account prior to being seen by your therapist. Failure to do so will result in the cancellation of your appointment.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Marianne Williamson
Contact Information
- Open Monday- Friday 9AM-5PM Weekends By Appointment
- On Call Availability for Emergencies Weekends, Holidays and after 5pm
- Office Phone : 216 359 8787
- Emergency’s : 911 or 988 (Suicide Hotline)
- Location : 6150 Enterprise Parkway Solon, Ohio 44139
- Email :
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